A foam cannon is a cheap yet practical tool that can relax the procedure of lubricating together with washing an automobile. However, this practicality can go to waste if it doesn’t work in its proper orientation. Many users seem to confront this particular number while using a foam cannon.
A foam cannon that only works upside down is a common malfunction. While a lot of users may recall that their cannon is broken, normally, a foam cannon tin can work upside down for several reasons, such as an incorrect soap-to-water ratio, a clogged pickup underground, a broken orifice, or even an elementary thing such as the wrong H2O temperature.
Whatever the reason, unsurprisingly, the solutions are quite elementary. In this article, we’ll endeavor to give you an answer for why your foam cannon alone plants upside down and how to remedy this particular issue.
How Does A Foam Cannon Work?
Before we jump to conclusions, let’s learn what foam cannons are in addition to how they work.
A foam cannon is a piece of washing equipment that is used to launder vehicles, as well as motorcycles. It is mostly operated by a pressure washer to generate foamy suds. It has a duo of components that make up the entire torso of the cannon. These are:
- Canister: The bottle or shock that holds the soap and water.
- Body Assembly: The metal slice that connects holds all the other components together.
- Pressure Washing Fitting: A pocket-sized screw-similar element that is attached behind the trunk assembly.
- Filter: Situated within the nozzle assembly, the filter is a small-scale constituent that agitates the hot water as well as the soap to create thick foam and filters out dirt as well as debris from the soap mixture.
- Nozzle Assembly: A nozzle machine that can command the spray pattern and how the soap solution will be sprayed on a surface.
- Valve Knob: A knob that controls how much lather solution is pushed through the nozzle.
- Orifice: A small-scale screw-similar constituent that controls the water period charge per unit (GPM) and water pressure level (PSI) of the pressure washer through the nozzle.
Hot water and lather are mixed within the canister to create a thick, foamy soap solution. The solution is then pushed through the nozzle past the pressure washer, whose force is controlled by the valve knob. Several catalysts are necessary to create proper, foamy suds.
A pair of contributing factors can explain why your foam cannon isn’t functioning in its vertically right place as well as only working when it’s upside down.
When we say “not working,” it can mean one of two things. One, it has no performance at all, failing to push out any lather solution, or the electric current it’s pushing out is weak and fails to clean the machine effectively. wo, it is not creating foamy suds but rather pushing out runny H2O mixed with soap.
If you’re experiencing kickoff issues, there are likely several contributors at that location. Bear in mind that this could be the outcome of one or several of these issues.
- Low Pressure: One argument that your foam cannon is exclusively industrial plant upside down in addition to non-inward its normal vertical land is that the pressure inside the canister is weak. This weak force per unit area could be due to the force per unit area washer you’re using, which isn’t generating enough pressure inside the canister. When y’all flip the foam cannon, the lather solution directly hits the nozzle and plants properly.
- Water Pressure: Another reason your foam cannon exclusively plants upside down is the wrong water force per unit area (PSI, force per unit area per square inch) as well as flow rate (GPM, gallon per minute). If you lot utilize a foam cannon with inaccurate orifice dimensions, mismatching with your pressure washer’s PSI in addition to GPM, it will probably result in your foam cannon not working properly or at all.
- Correct Soap to Water Ratio: If you’re doing the 2D job, the lather solution could be runny for several reasons. One argument is that you’re not using enough soap.
- Loose or broken orifice: Another reason is that the valve knob, as well as the orifice, are loose or broken, which prevents the H2O from mixing with lather and creating foamy suds.
- Water Temperature: The concluding reason is that mixing cold H2O alongside lather doesn’t mix every bit as well alongside cold H2O as it does alongside hot H2O.
How do I fix the upside down issue on My Foam Cannon?
If your foam cannon is solely working upside down in addition to not working in its normal vertical position, attempt these unproblematic solutions.
- If you’re using a pressure washer, make sure it can deliver a sufficient GPM flow and PSI with your foam cannon. Whether you employ a gas-powered pressure washer or an electric force per unit area washer, select one that has at least a GPM of 1.75 and a 1900–2000 PSI rating.
- Make sure the orifice that comes with the foam cannon has the proper dimensions to check the GPM and PSI of your pressure washer. For example, if you hold a GPM of 1.3 to 1.8, along with low to medium force per unit area equal to 1700–2000 PSI, the correct orifice dimension for your foam cannon would be 1.1 mm.
- Clean or rinse the nozzle with clean water in every fourth dimension when you wash your machine.
- Make sure the suction straw inside the canister is not blocked by lather or debris. If the straw is blocked, take it out by cutting it at an angle so it can suck the lather solution easily.
Foam Cannons vs Other Methods
Foam cannons can be quite expensive, especially if you don’t wash your machine as well as you should. If you’re looking for something cheaper, foam guns or fifty-fifty, the ii buckets method tin can be useful for you. However, for the avid user, foam cannons vs. foam guns is a legitimate query, as both have their pros as well as cons.
The same goes for people who are torn between foam cannons and ii buckets, as a lot of people prefer to hand scrub in addition to laundering their cars. All these methods have their distinct pros and cons. The general advice is to write down your preferred pick of equipment and see if it serves your purpose or not.
A foam cannon is an imperative tool for a car owner. It saves you the cost of a car wash as well as giving you all the satisfaction of cleaning your machine. However, a faulty tool wastes your fourth dimension and coins. Follow the methods mentioned here to utilize your foam cannon properly. Thanks for reading.